Zavzemamo za strokovnost, občutek za prostor in tesno povezovanje arhitekture s potrebami ljudi. Kakovost arhitekturne zasnove, profesionalnost in odgovornost so za nas ključnega pomena, zato vsak projekt izpeljemo natančno, brez kompromisov glede kakovosti ali funkcionalnosti prostora.
We combine innovative design practises with traditional manufacturing techniques.
As a full-service firm, Inteco is present on projects from start to finish, ensuring that the ideas conceived in the beginning with clients are manifest at the end.
As a full-service firm, Inteco is present on projects from start to finish, ensuring that the ideas conceived in the beginning with clients are manifest at the end.
We’re an interior design studio. We specialize in building custom furniture and custom lighting for your home.
We’re an interior design studio. We specialize in building custom furniture and custom lighting for your home.
We’re an interior design studio. We specialize in building custom furniture and custom lighting for your home.
We design vibrant spaces for awesome people. You’re awesome! Your space should be, too. And we can help.